So many of us obsess over what we put in our bodies. We drink filtered water and organic food-but how often do we really consider the quality of the air we breathe?

This is what flashed through CEO and Founder Ray Wu's mind as he stepped off a plane in Beijing into a thick shroud of smog. The air smelled like scorched metal, a brown haze obscured the landscape, and his throat immediately felt coated with dust. He realized that he needed a device that could sense the air and clean it up as needed, wherever he went.
Ray decided to gather a team of fellow MIT grads, NASA engineers, and renowned designers to create WYND.

The AI-powered WYND Halo air quality monitor and medical-grade WYND Max air purifier enable healthy spaces by increasing the safety, comfort, and performance of building inhabitants. Our products continuously monitor and purify to ensure the air is always at the highest health and wellness standard.

CEO, Founder

VP of Production

Head of Sales & Channel

Head of Marketing

Head of Product

Head of Operations

Head of Finance

Head of Software
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