Benefits of Sentry
Sentry ensures increased guest satisfaction and drives additional revenue for every hotel stay. With the added benefit of enforcing smoking policies, Sentry prevents property damage and disturbances, saving hotels an average of $500 per smoking incident.
Boost revenue by enforcing smoking policy fines
Safeguard against property damage with instant alerts
Secure success rates in credit card chargebacks with powerful reports
Understand the
benefits of
WYND Sentry
Average return on investment for Sentry customers
Additional Revenue potential from smoke-free policy fee, per room, per year
Properties protected by WYND
Receive instant alerts for smoking and noise incidents
Quantify savings associated with cleaning costs and lost revenue due to smoking incidents.
Schedule a demo today
Want to effortlessly manage smoke and noise issues in your properties? Schedule a demo and discover the power of Wynd Sentry, the all-in-one solution for comprehensive smoke and noise detection. Experience the future of safety in a single, unmatched device!