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Sentry for Hotel

The most accurate system for recreational smoking, noise control, and more, ensuring heightened satisfaction and driving additional revenue for every stay.

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Benefits of Sentry

Sentry ensures increased guest satisfaction and drives additional revenue for every hotel stay. With the added benefit of enforcing smoking policies, Sentry prevents property damage and disturbances, saving hotels an average of $500 per smoking incident.

Understand the
benefits of
WYND Sentry

Average return on investment for Sentry customers
Additional Revenue potential from smoke-free policy fee, per room, per year
Properties protected by WYND
Receive instant alerts for smoking and noise incidents

Quantify savings associated with cleaning costs and lost revenue due to smoking incidents.
includes extra cleaning costs, labour, removing rooms from inventory, dissatisfied guests
number of times fees recovered divided by total incidents in hotel

A Positive Approach to Property Management

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Boost Revenue

Enforce smoking policy fines effortlessly, generating $2,500-$5,000 additional revenue per room, per year. Sentry is the most accurate smoking monitor that can instantly identify smoking incidents, enabling easy implementation of fees associated with smoking policy fines.
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Protect Your Property

Sentry offers comprehensive protection for your property by swiftly detecting smoking incidents and noise disturbances, allowing hotel staff to proactively address any concerns. By enabling prompt intervention, Sentry helps prevent serious smoking damage, ensuring the safety of your premises and the satisfaction of all guests.
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Secure Chargeback Success

Sentry's robust reporting capabilities empower property owners to succeed in chargeback claims associated with smoking fines. With detailed documentation of smoking incidents, Sentry provides valuable evidence to support claims, ensuring swift resolution and maximum success rates.

Protect your property with
with WYND Sentry for peace of mind.

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Smoke Detection
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Noise Detection
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Live Monitoring
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Real-time Alerts
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Incident Reports
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Tamper Protection
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Enterprise Dashboard

Smoke Detection

Prevent smoke damage to your property with Sentry’s cutting edge airID Technology. airID is a mature AI-enabled sensor technology developed by WYND to reliably detect recreational smoke from cigarettes, marijuana, cigars, and vape. Get instant alerts upon detection so that you can take swift and appropriate action.
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Noise Detection

Keep an ear out for disturbances on your property with Sentry’s noise detection. Monitor prolonged noises to effectively prevent parties and unwanted disturbances
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Live Monitoring

Maintain a healthy and safe environment with live monitoring. Sentry monitors noise levels (in dB) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels  to ensure the well-being of your (for STR use guests / for Multi-Family use tenants)
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Real-time Alerts

Stay ahead of any potential issues with real time alerts via our app, email, and/or SMS. Have peace of mind and address disturbances promptly to maintain a peaceful environment.
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Incident Reports

Our comprehensive reports are a vital tool in monitoring and eliminating smoke and noise disturbances in your property. Use this documentation in claims processes for speedy resolution, as it can serve as proof of any issues or complaints.
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Tamper Detection

Rest assured that your WYND Sentry will provide you with the necessary data. Even if the device is unplugged or loses its internet connection, you will promptly receive an alert. Sentry will continue to monitor during power disconnection to ensure uninterrupted protection.
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Enterprise Dashboard

Conveniently access live monitoring, incident reports, and device settings all on our enterprise dashboard. Take a deeper dive into incidents or change threshold settings. Stay in control and up to date on all that happens on your property.
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Supporting Your Success Every Step of the Way

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Installation Assistance
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Onboarding Training
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Enterprise Dashboard
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Smoking Incident Validation
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Expert Support

Schedule a demo today

Want to effortlessly manage smoke and noise issues in your properties? Schedule a demo and discover the power of Wynd Sentry, the all-in-one solution for comprehensive smoke and noise detection. Experience the future of safety in a single, unmatched device!