We’re always listening to your suggestions on how to improve Wynd, and constantly updating Wynd's software and firmware based on your feedback.
We’ve just pushed our latest update with new features such as Night Mode, Longer Tracker battery life, and more.

Purifier Night Mode
One of our most requested features, you can now turn off Wynd's top lights by double clicking the AUTO button. Double click again to turn the lights back on. Sleep easier wherever you go with Wynd and use night mode to breathe easy without the lights.
Night mode can also be turned on from within the Wynd app in the device area. Just tap the “Night Mode” toggle and night mode is activated.

Tracker Night Mode
Just like the purifier night mode, tracker night mode turns off the tracker’s lights. This is perfect for when you want to sleep using automatic mode on your purifier. You activate tracker night mode by double clicking the tracker’s power button.The light will turn off, but you should still feel a small humming vibration indicating the sensor is still on and sensing the quality of your air around you.
On the app you will still see the tracker’s readings just like normal and by activating automatic mode the purifier will continue to use the tracker’s readings to make adjustments to how much Wynd purifies your air.
2X Longer Tracker Battery Life
Your Wynd Air Quality Tracker now last two times longer on the default continuous mode. That means you’re now getting up to 6 hours of battery life on a charge. Track the air around you for longer and stay aware of the changing air conditions wherever you go for twice as long.
500+ More Air Quality Stations in Air Bubbles
We’ve added more than 500 additional air quality stations from around the globe to give you even more air quality information coverage. We’re always seeking out more data sources to make sure you always have the most accurate outside air quality data possible wherever you go. Open the Air Bubbles app on Android or iOS to learn more about AQI and air quality around the world.
As always please send us any feedback, suggestions, comments, on how we can improve Wynd.
Send suggestions to hi@hellowynd.com