Spring is in the air and, with it, comes the recognition that it’s time to open doors and windows and remove the dust, dander and other detritus that have accumulated over the winter. There’s just something about spring weather that puts people in the mood to clean! We’re sure you’ve got your list of “to do’s” ready to go to prepare for spring and summer fun. But just in case, we’ve compiled a list of “10 Things Most People Forget to Do” as you tackle your spring-cleaning to-do list.
1. Windows
Windows are likely already on your list, but when you tackle this springtime chore, make sure you’re doing it right—and don’t forget drapes and blinds. Windows can be notoriously hard to clean, leaving you with unsightly smears that tend to show up on bright, sunny days.
To clean them properly wait for an overcast day when you can tackle the task in the right lighting. Use a micro-fiber cloth and water or a glass cleaner.
2. Clean and Organize Backpacks, Grocery Bags and Purses
Closets and entryways are a good place to start your spring cleaning tasks. Everyone in your family likely has at least one bag they use regularly to carry their stuff from one place to another. Whether it’s your children’s school backpacks, your go-to purses, or the recyclable grocery bag you use religiously to do your part to protect the environment, these bags can accumulate and attract dirt and dust.
For some bags, it may be time to toss. If your favorite bags aren’t machine-washable, though, use a cloth and some soapy water to wash them by hand. Then dry with a clean towel and you’re back in business.
And, speaking of washing machines…
3. Your Washing Machine Doesn’t Clean Itself!
Your washing machine could clean itself, but it’s going to need a little help from you.
Despite the fact that it may seem unnecessary to clean your washing machine—after all, shouldn’t it just be clean because of what it does?—it does need some care and attention from time to time. What better time than spring cleaning season?
It’s easy enough to do. Just add some bleach and run it through your washer’s cleaning cycle. If it doesn’t have one you can still run the machine as though you’re washing a load of clothes or use a washing machine cleaner to help you do the job.
4. Do You Know What’s Hiding Under Your Beds?
As you tackle your spring-cleaning duties, looking under the bed and getting rid of the dust mite buildup that has occurred since the last time you looked is a must-do. Dust mites live on, under and around your bed and can be difficult to get rid of.
Dust mites are basically harmless, but another unwanted friend under and around your bed can be bedbugs. Nobody wants to have to deal with them! And even dust mites can create some consternation for those who suffer from allergies.
To deal with bed bugs, which fortunately aren’t all that common, you’ll need to call in an expert that knows exactly what kind of pesticides to use to deal with an infestation.
While you can’t actually ever be entirely rid of dust mites, you can limit their presence by opting for wood instead of carpeted floors and cleaning regularly.
5. How About What’s Under Your Refrigerator and Stove?
Another often overlooked area that likely requires some deep spring cleaning is under your kitchen appliances. Your refrigerator and stove can be a breeding ground for dust, dirt and even mold.
But don’t just focus on the outside of your refrigerator. Take a look inside as well. Old food tends to accumulate; in the nether regions of refrigerators, shelves and drawers can become laden with dirk from leaky food and containers. Pull out all of those inner bins and shelves and give them a good bath with warm, soapy water. The same goes for your stove.
While you’re at it, now is also a good time to replace filters which most appliances have today. Some top places to trade old for new filters: your air conditioner, vacuum and dishwasher.
6. Time to Tackle the Closets
What better place for junk to accumulate than in a dark space with closed doors—your closets? Spring cleaning is a good time to take a look at those closets, pull out and dispose of or donate no longer used or needed items, and give the entire closet a good wipe- and wash-down. Then, sweep, vacuum and mop to get your closet spaces in tip-top shape.
7. Ceiling Fans
When you’re done cleaning under surfaces where dust mites and dirt may linger, it’s time to shift your focus to cleaning on top of some surfaces that tend to attract and harbor dust and grime—like ceiling fans. Using an extendable duster can help you reach the hard-to-reach spots that are likely topped with a layer of dust. Dust it down, then get out your vacuum or mop to clean up what’s dropped from the ceiling.
8. Mattresses and Bedding
You’d think that we’d want the place we spend one-third of our lives to be spick and span at all times. Unfortunately, beds, mattresses and bedding can be a hidden hot-bed of dust and dirt—and those bedbugs we talked about earlier.
Wash bedding regularly, use a disinfectant to spray everything down and a vacuum to get into cracks and crevices where most dust may lurk.
9. The Things You Clean With!
Just like your washing machine, your cleaning tools—like mops, brooms and brushes—may be used for cleaning but they get mighty dirty themselves. If it’s not time to simply toss out and buy something new, give some love to your trusty cleaning tools by washing out the dust and dirt that has likely accumulated over time.
And, last but not least, it’s time to give some attention to your overall living environment.
10. Clean Air Can Be Your Best Friend
Dusters, mops, and soap may be excellent at removing dirt and grime from surfaces, but what about the space between surfaces? Don't forget that all the dust and pollen on the ground started in the air. Stop these pollutants before they become a problem with an air purifier. HEPA air purifiers give you medical-grade protection and can remove even the tinniest particles floating through your home. Not only will this help prevent pollutants from accumulating on surfaces, but it can also protect you from inhaling irritants like pollen, dust, mold, and smog. So give the air in your home a good scrubbing...we guarantee it's a breeze and will be quite a breath of fresh air 😉